Acupuncture Facts Vs. Myths


As acupuncture becomes an increasingly popular treatment for pain, insomnia, and many other conditions, numerous myths are perpetuated about this ancient Chinese medical modality. In this article, we’ll address eight common acupuncture myths you may have heard.

Acupuncture Myth: It only works if I believe in it.

Fact: Acupuncture for animals disproves this common myth. Acupuncture treatment is used extensively for racehorses to speed up their recovery, to rehab injuries, and even to enhance performance. The Philadelphia Zoo also uses acupuncture to help to ail zoo animals. This proves that acupuncture is not the result of a placebo effect, as animals, of course, have no idea they are being treated. Acupuncture will work whether you believe in it or not.

Acupuncture Myth: It is only for some people.

Fact: Roughly 10 million acupuncture treatments are conducted in America annually, according to the an article published in Global Advances in Health and Medicine, a peer-reviewed journal. This has increased from 3.1 million adults and 150,000 children in the United States who sought acupuncture treatment in 2007, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The popularity of acupuncture continues to skyrocket as more people experience the benefits of such treatment.

Acupuncture Myth: I could catch something from reused needles.

Fact: Acupuncture needles are never reused in the United States. Hado Health uses prepackaged, sterile, single-use needles.

Acupuncture Myth: It is going to feel like getting blood drawn a bunch of times.

Fact: Acupuncture needles are about the thickness of one hair. It’s hard to imagine, but 40 acupuncture needles could fit on the tip of a regular needle. Some patients report not feeling anything at all, others say there is a mild sensation. Most do not report pain.

Acupuncture Myth: It is a new fad.

Fact: Acupuncture has been used to treat ailments, relieve conditions, and promote better health and well being for more than 3,000 years.

Acupuncture Myth: People who can afford the best doctors don’t use acupuncture.

Fact: Pro sports players including Shaquille O’Neal, Dwyane Wade, Jason Kidd, and Vladimir Radmanovic all use acupuncture with success. These players have access to the best sports medicine, and they rely on acupuncture as well to deliver optimum health and injury recovery. Many celebrities such as Robert Downey Jr., Jennifer Lopez, and Sandra Bullock swear by acupuncture for losing weight, reducing wrinkles, and staying healthy.

Acupuncture Myth: My acupuncturist will want me to stop going to my regular doctor, OR I cannot do both traditional medicine and acupuncture.

Fact: This couldn’t be further from the truth. Practitioner Minerva Henson not only believes traditional medicine is effective and often necessary, she will work with your primary care physician or other doctors to create a comprehensive health plan for you. For some patients, acupuncture will replace traditional medicine treatment; for many, acupuncture will complement it and make it more effective.

Acupuncture Myth: To become an acupuncturist, one just has to take a few classes.

Fact: Licensed acupuncturists attend a rigorous four-year program and obtain hundreds of hands-on clinical internship hours. Practitioner Minerva Henson has her Masters of Science in Acupuncture and continues to undergo supplemental training.

Make an Appointment

It’s easy for misconceptions or misunderstandings to arise among people who have not yet undergone acupuncture. Don’t let them stop you from receiving the health results you desire. Come see for yourself. Schedule your first appointment by calling 425.939.0991 or emailing


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